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Upcoming Free Online Workshops

Free Online Workshops with Weight Loss Coach Carlene

Note: Each workshop must have at least 5 members or it will be canceled. 

No payment info is taken to sign up for these free workshops. A review at the end is appreciated.

November  11-15: Happiness as a Dieting Aide

Cost: Free

Location: Forum at Thin Brain Training

What You Get: 5 Podcasts with interactive group forum and Carlene’s input and guidance.

Schedule: We have no set times. We work online with members from all over the world. Attend when you have time, but the forum closes the day after the workshop ends.

Summary: Learn ways to up your happiness levels on a daily basis so making healthy choices is easier. The premise is, when we feel good about ourselves we take better care of ourselves.

Sign Up for Carlene’s Happiness Workshop



November 18-22: Break In The Moment Eating

Cost: Free

Location: Forum at Thin Brain Training

What You Get: 5 Podcasts with interactive group forum and Carlene’s input and guidance.

Schedule: We have no set times. We work online with members from all over the world. Attend when you have time, but the forum closes the day after the workshop ends.

Summary: In today’s busy lives we want instant gratification. Unfortunately, when we are searching for health, in the moment choices tend to not be all that healthy. Spend 5 days with Carlene actually working on breaking this impulse eating habit. Learn to pause and consider what you’re doing before acting.

Sign Up for Carlene’s Breaking In The Moment Eating Workshop



3 Days November 25 – 27: Surviving Thanksgiving

Cost: Free

Location: Forum at Thin Brain Training

What You Get: 3 Podcasts with interactive group forum and Carlene’s input and guidance.

Schedule: We have no set times. We work online with members from all over the world. Attend when you have time, but the forum closes the day after the workshop ends.

Summary: US Thanksgiving is coming. Spend 3 days with Carlene working on how to approach the day with the mindset of not gaining weight, of not eating over the drama of family, and how to enjoy yourself without overeating.

Sign Up for Carlene’s Surviving Thanksgiving Workshop


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